Monday, December 8

Making Christmas Meaningful

Our Fontanini Bethlehem village is set up and on display: 
Since we talk with our children about the real meaning of Christmas – Christ's birth – we try to have our Christmas decorating reflect it. I'm so thankful for this gorgeous set that was a gift to my family a few years ago. About 10 buildings and a plethora of accessories. We set portions of it up on our large shelves beside the fireplace. My kids and their friends can easily grasp that Bethlehem was and is a REAL place, with "regular" villagers going about their lives.
Making perfume, filling water jugs, selling rugs … all while out in the stable behind the inn the Christ child was born: 
Among our village pieces are two Romans, one of which is taking the census … the reason Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem in the first place:
With no room in the inn, the couple takes up in the manger with the animals … where Jesus is born:
 Later, wise men arrive bringing gifts to honor His birth:
Their camels and tents are some of the kids' favorites. I position the buildings and let them choose a place for each person and accessory – shepherds, carpet merchant, potter, innkeeper, palm trees, cats, cows, wise men, camels, etc.:
Usually, we'll find the dog chasing one of the cats:  :-)

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