I'd love to give away one art print of your choice from my Etsy shop - select one of these new child art prints or any of my other retro inspirational prints. TO ENTER: please leave 2 "inspiring" comments - one on this post and one on ANY other previous blog post of mine. Thanks bunches!! :-) UPDATE: thanks for all your truly inspirational words in the comments - I didn't intend for a literal response but am loving the neat thoughts you're sharing! New visitors, feel free to comment however you see fit! :-)
(Don't forget your email address! You have until Saturday midnight MT 8/29 to enter. US mailing address only.)
I love the Antique and Old Age Art. It is sweet.
Inspirational comment:
"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them."
As this is for a Childs Art Piece I thought it proper. =) looking for your other post to give a good one......
Kalei a.k.a. Antibloggedy
By the way, I did a post earlier this year that was part of a meme. The meme was to find a "Word of the Year". My word was "inspire". I am inspired by my children everyday and the people I come across and the beauty in all things. Thank you for reminding me of my word....I was a little down this past week. =)
I had a very hard time choosing so then I thought what about the set artist note cards and I could frame them and have a little of each. I love the new kids prints and my soon to be two girls will share a room so I might have to get two!
Inspirational comment?
All I can think of is my grandmother and her life. She inspired me to live life to the fullest with a smile on my face. Through all the tragedy in her life she is still remembered for her sweet spirit and lovely smile.
Your art is inspiring. I love Sing to the Lord, Bloom, and Fruit of the Spirit.
I love the Vine and branches one. It reminds me that apart from Christ, I am truly nothing. Nothing good can I accomplish in my own strength. Thank you for a beautiful display of that truth.
I Samuel 1:27 "I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him." This verse inspired me to keep going over the past 3 years through our infertility journey. I believed He would give us a child and in His perfect timing...He did! :)
The new personalized art is so cute!
I love the Bloom Where You're Planted print in Blue... so very true!
If you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, it's yours, if it doesn't it never was.
micaela6955 at msn dot com
Thank you for your encouraging words on my post!
Love your Heaven Sent Handle With Care print.
I have two precious little grandsons God has given me to enjoy this year.
now that mine are grown i see other moms and want to tell them to enjoy it...you'll miss your babies one day
deefna at gmail dot com
My thought for the day. "It really is worth it."
As with all your art, I love these prints! My inspirational thought is to hug and kiss your children every day! :)
This is just the type of artwork I've been looking for to decorate my baby's nursery (being induced this Friday with my sweet baby boy!).
I love PERSONALIZED Heaven Sent Baby - blue.
I love "everything is beautiful" in your shop. I've been through a pretty rough illness for awhile and am just now recovering--it reminds me that everything is good:-)
I love the Heaven sent Boy elephant version how cute. And I love you blog.
You can check mine out at
Thanks for your beautiful posts.
Thank you for your encouraging words!!!!As with all your art, I love these prints!!!!thanks
Professional Monitering security systems for Homes, Offices & Appartments
these are wonderful... I'm just gonna buy one, no inspiration here! LOL
I love all of your art prints! I can't really choose a favorite, and I guess I don't have to unless I win.
Inspirational thought:
You can't fail unless you stop trying.
That one has gotten me through some tough times for sure!
Oh I love the little pink Heaven sent poster! That is adorable! Daisy~
All her stuff is so cute!
Inspirational thought: Happiness resides not in posessions and not in gold; the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.
Well, I have been reading your blog since I saw you on Heart to Heart with Holley. You have inspired me to put up scripture around my house. I just recently purchased a verse to go in my daughter's bathroom. You inspired me! :)
I forgot my email address: bksnow@cox.net
These are absolutely gorgeous. My daughter would love to have one!
Beautiful, thanks so much!
Some of the best inspiration around:
"Be still and know that I am God" psalm 46.10
Shana in MN
hi, love your blog, stop on over & say hi :) gio
Another giveaway... you're too generous! I love these new prints. As with everything you do, they are quality, beautiful, and inspiring!
My inspiring thought: "THIS is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24 (Even if it is a tough day, it is a gift!)
Guess what. I put one of your prints on my Christmas wish list (yes, it's early, but my husband's family likes to get a jump start on these things!), so even if I don't win (which I hope I do), I still might get my favorite print. :D
Your prints are adorable! I love the Pears Fruit of the Spirit. Inspiring comment...um..hmmm...OK..."just do it" Kind of a Nike antiprocrastinating comment because that has been my problem lately.
Boy, I love ALL of your items.. there is no way I could pick just one!
I am thinking.. your etsy shop.. and my christmas shopping this year.
Thank you so much for sharing your blog with us! :)
Jeanne - as always your new prints are just adorable! We fell in love with your work the first time we seen it! Congrats on all of your new items!! Now, we're off to look at all of the other goodies!
Karla & Karrie
Oh heavens so hard to choose! My Dad always told us to "Bloom where we were planted" so of course I love that one (in Turquoise) and I also love the Aqua "sing to the Lord". They are all lovely though!
These are darling! I may have to get one for my new little nephew who is suppose to arrive in October. He is our little "miracle baby", after 12 years of infertility and two stillbirths. We are going to celebrate his coming!
Thanks for visiting my blog, I love your site! I will stop by again soon.
Gayle @ Mountain Moma
My favorite inspirational comment is Family is everything. Without them we are nothing. I love what you do!
LOVE your prints!! My friend would do anything for the elephant one...Thanks for the chance :)
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