I'm in a Hallmark store near you!!!Well, my new gift collection, that is:
Simply Inspiring by Jeanne Winters.
If you're new to my blog, I've been working with a wonderful Christian company many of you know -
DaySpring - this past year on an
inspirational gift collection for Hallmark. Well ... it's finally here!!!!!!!

From my initial sketches and presentation to the
store shelves ... it has been a long and adventurous ride! I'm thrilled with the result and hope you will be, too!

May I humbly ask you to please visit your nearest
Hallmark Gold Crown store and check it out? I'd be ever so grateful. :-)

Some stores may not be displaying it until after Christmas, so if you don't see it,
please ask the manager when it will be in their store... OR throw yourself on the floor, pound your fists and demand they order it that very minute!! ...
Whichever you feel most comfortable with. :-)

Seriously, my goal is to hear tales of store managers being trampled by eager customers seeking out that
Simply Inspiring stuff.
Is that a lot to ask?
And, one more little request ... Would you pleeeeeease be so kind as to
tell everyone you know and anyone you've ever met? Like send this link to your mom, your Aunt Crazie, your ladies' Bible study, your OBGYN, your bowling teammates, your spouse's company directory and your third grade math class? Hey, thanks! You're a peach!
THE GIVEAWAY: TWO WINNERS will each receive THREE new products from Simply Inspiring by Jeanne Winters. I'll contact you for color preferences then pick three gifts for you!You can enter a bunch of ways:
1. Simply
comment below with your pinky swear you will race down to your Hallmark store today!
2. For
TWO extra entries,
blog about this post and link to it. You can then come back and
leave another comment telling me you did so. If you don't have a blog, you can
email a plug for me to your entire address book,
or at least a bunch of people, and cc me on it
(see upper right for my email).
Do BOTH for FOUR entries!
3. Grab either of my
new buttons over on the right and post it on your blog for
another entry.
Post both for TWO extra entries!
Contest is open until midnight MT, Nov. 30th. Winners must have a US address I can ship to. Leave your email or a way to contact you if you win!
Hi I just found your blog through Just a girl....wow...congrats on your beautiful creations!!! Thanks for sharing your ideas....-jess
I too found your blog through Just a Girl. Congratulations on all your hard work paying off. I'm sure it will be a huge success, the items you've shown are beautiful. I can't wait to see them in person at our local hallmark store!
Well, I can't run to my nearest Halmark store today since it is an hour away! But next time I'm doing my "big city" shopping I'll make sure I pop in to see your beautiful work! Thanks for hosting this giveaway. Hopefully I'll actually finally win one of these things. ; )
Beautiful. I want it all!
wowe! how exciting!! i'm thrilled for you!
Yay, Jeanne!! This is such amazing news!! I am so at my Hallmark store tomorrow! Actually I can think of 5 different Hallmark stores within close proximity. I'll go to all of them and make sure you're there! :) You bet I'm grabbing a button and will be blogging about your fabulous news and giveaway!!
Congratulations, that is so exciting! I will definitely be checking out our nearest Hallmark store as soon as possible to check it out!
Those are SO cute! Congratulations! I went to my Hallmark store today, but they don't have it just yet. Hopefully in time for Christmas!!
Congratulations on your Simply Inspiring line! I love it's clean classic and fresh color scheme. Hmmm...I think I saw this color scheme in your studio/office space several posts back. I love this color combination also because it is ight and airy. I will go to my Hallmark store and look for your display. Looks like great itms to give for gifts too. I will add your buttons to my blog.
OK, Jeanne, make sure you go over and check out my hot news post! http://eastcoastevansfamily.blogspot.com/2008/11/hot-news.html
I also put both buttons on my blog...they're so cute!!
I am so excited for you!! I also "stumbled" your post in hopes of you gaining more traffic.
Good luck. I am totally going to check out your stuff at Hallmark.
I posted about it and added your button to my sidebar.
Lovely - I want it all!
These gifts are pure delights to the Lord. I am actually going there tomorrow and will see if they are there. I would love to be able to win this one, what a treat!
Tammy Chisom
Wow!!!! Congratulations on this very cool product launch!
I had no idea! ;-)
I love your ideas! I am posting about your giveaway on my blog...and adding the buttons! Thanks for doing this!!! I will definitely see if I can find a Hallmark store nearby!
I don't even know where my local Hallmark "provider" is! LOL I haven't bought a card at one since I moved here 8 years ago! LOL But, I promise I'll look it up and track it down now that I know I have something to look for!
I'm so excited for you Jeanne and excited for Hallmark to be carrying something so inspired and inspiring!!
My sister loved some of the products so I'll be taking some to her for Christmas - there will be a little bit of JW in Jerusalem! :)
Oh this collection is gorgeous! And I love Hallmark! Will be looking for your Collection!
Everything is so pretty. And it is fun to have some new Inspirational like this.
hi, popped in today, i follow your blog and i am so excited for ya, the line is soooo pretty.
i have a plug for you on my blog now, so stop by and visit me @
Kaylee Gotreau.
I just found your blog through Laurel Wreaths Reflections and love your products. I will check them out at Hallmark! And tell my friends by displaying your link on the sidebar of my blog Heart Choices. I'm glad to have found you. And congratulations!
I LOVE your new line! I'm going to check it out for some birthday gifts!
Also, I posted about it on my blog, put your buttons up with links to your blog and Etsy shop!
Good luck with this!
I was just visiting from "Just A Girl", and your stuff for Hallmark is way cute. I will be looking for it! I live in a very small town, so I'll have to wait till I get to a bigger city where they have a Hallmark store, but seriously it looks very awesome!
I came here through Just a Girl . . . love your beautiful work, and you must be so excited to see it displayed in stores across the country! Now I have an excuse to visit my favorite Hallmark store more often! Hope I win your stuff before I can buy it!
I found your blog through CWO. What beautiful inspirations!
I'll visit the Hallmark 2 miles down the road!
I'm posting a button tonight.
Can't wait to check my Hallmark store. I'll be blogging about your work and posting the buttons! Can't wait!
Crown hallmark? Will that include Walgreens? We have hallmark stores in our area, but I don't know where is the closest Crown Hallmark is? But I will try to find one!
Hi I just found out about you through Laurel Wreath....I love all those kinds of things...I can't wait to get to a Hallmark to look at all of your beautiful things! Please enter me in your giveaway!
I hope you have a Blessed day!
Kelly Bryan
Dacula, Georgia
Here' my comment!
Can't WAIT TO FIND THESE THINGS! I LOVE those magnets!
I've posted it.
here's the link:
I've added both buttons!
and getting ready to send out the email!
Great gifts!
♥ I wish you much success! ♥
hi! I found your blog through Purple Diva. wowzers!!! amazing stuff!!! Fingers crossed!
I'm going down on Saturday to look!! :)
I just read your news on Christian Women Online's site and HAD to come over and say congratulations! How awesome.
I'm going to Hallmark tomorrow to pound my fists and demand your stuff. : )
Oh my, you've designed some great stuff. I'm seriously going to the mall today to check it out and throw a tantrum if they don't have 'em. Oooh and I'll be posting on both of my blogs... noeluvspiko.vox.com and kahalekomo.blogspot.com
And yes, I'll definitely be posting your buttons too.
You can reach me at kaha_ohana@hotmail.com
i will happily pitch a fit at my local hallmark store for you. you are so talented and funny! warmest congrats to you on the new line. how exciting!!!
I am so delighted to find you> What beautiful things! I can't promise to get to Hallmark today but will one day this week.
I found you though a post on Laurel Wreath's blog, so the system does work! This is an additional comment to let you know I blogged about your giveaway and posted your button.
Hello Jeanne, It is so lovely to meet you!...Thank you so much for leaving the "tablesetting links"...I will be proud to post them on Sunday's post!!...And a HUGE congratulations on your new collection at Hallmark! You must be "over the moon"!!....Each piece is just charming!...I will definitely be stopping by Hallmark to see my new friend Jeanne's things!....Enjoy your day!....Heidi XO
Hi Jeanne, Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a gift. Your merchandise is beautiful. I had recently seen something that I loved at a Hallmark store and didn't really look too hard because finances are tight... but I was admiring... well as I see your blog is was one of your designs. Pretty awesome. I will definately tell people and blog about it... You can check it out! God Bless, and may the Lord grow your product line.
Beautiful. I wonder if I can get it in Canada?
Hello! I found your blog through barbara h. at Stray Thoughts. These products look beautiful! Congratulations on your new Hallmark Line! I will look at Hallmark the next time I am there.
Oh my gosh... this is so so so exciting! I'll head over there after work tonight.
Count me in! I love a great give-away! ;o}
Cute buttons. You can view it on my blog www.ourdelightfullife.blogspot.com.
I love, love, love all your new products! Can't wait to see them in the store.
Very pretty!
Thank you for entering me:)
Wow! Congrats on your accomplishment! That stuff is so cute! I will definitely go to Hallmark when I am at the mall!!
I would love to win and plan to head to the Hallmark two blocks from home in the morning.
I added a post on my blog about your products. :)
Oh my goodness! I am gone for 9 days, and I miss 3 incredible blog ideas and a giveaway! Your stuff is amazing!! You can be sure I will also blog about it, and I have already told all my friends about you, but I will again. Hallmark...tomorrow...I am there! And, I will figure out how to add your button, too. Congratulations!!
Wow! This is amazing, a dream come true maybe? Thanks for checking out my blog, looks like I got here just in time for a fabulous giveaway! Good luck to everyone!
Wow! How exciting! It all looks beautiful. I shop at Hallmark all the time, so I'll be sure to look for these next time I'm there. Congratulations!! -Julia :-)
Pinkie swear!
Beautiful things. Congratulations!
What a lovely line; I really like the color palette you chose!
Way to go, I'll be keeping my peepers peeled for your products.
Lovely, lovely creations! I'll be looking for your products in my local Hallmark shop!
I found your blog through Heidi Ann. I love what I see here. The decoupage balls are a wonderful idea. I have both of your buttons on my side bar. Plus I blogged about your give away and you new things at the Hallmark shop. Plus I included your button on my blog too. So how many entries does that qualify me for now? I lost track. LOL! Love your stuff!!!
Oh I forgot to tell you I won't make it to the Hallmark shop today. None in my town. But I can go after work tomorrow. There is one near there. Plus today I am nursing a really bad headache. Not going to try to go anywhere today. But I promise I will check to see your things are in the shops I go to.
Pinky swear :)
Congratulations on your new collection! The colors and designs are so sweet. I will definitely be looking for them. :)
Oh, I will definitely pop into my Hallmark store next time I'm browsing at the mall! Your designs are so lovely and sweet!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
Our local Hallmark store it closing!! I'm very bummed not to see your stuff on the shelves. You do beautiful work, I love all of it.
just found your blog through Linnea and what beautiful things you have designed for Hallmark, congratulations on your success, and yes, I will go to my Gold Crown store and see what I can get for Christmas gifts for my friends...Good Luck to you...
Beautiful products and a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
Congratulations . As soon as possible I will visit the nearest Hallmark store. Your ideas are yummy
I practically LIVE at Hallmark this time of year...I will look for your stuff next time I'm there! :)
How is it that I'm just now seeing this?? Congratulations MS. HALLMARK!!
I'm grabbing your button and telling anyone who comes by my place about your great collection. I LOVE LOVE LOVE faith gifts!
BTW Did I say CONGRATULATIONS??!! Just so excited for you!
Congratulations! I have many friends who work for Dayspring and I am very familiar with their products. I'll check my Gold Crown store when I am out shopping this weekend.
I love your stuff, and I added both of your buttons to my blog. Blessings!
Love it! I can't wait to see if my Hallmark store has it.
As a Hallmark Gold Crown customer, I get many of my gifts from there. Your creations are BEAUTIFUL...can't wait to buy some things for gifts (and myself)!
Just blogged about you as well! Happy sales!
Congratulations! Your creations are beautiful and cute and what a great place to have your products.
Thank you for a chance to win.
I wanted you to know that I blogged about you today. :)
I am fixing to put your button in my sidebar.
Have a great day!
I will check out our Hallmark. It is a small one but usually has some great stuff...so I am sure I will see it :)
Oh my! What wonderful gifts!
I already bought one of these a few weeks ago at Hallmark for a friend's birthday - loved it! What fun to "meet" the person behind it!
I am so excited for you....you would think it was my line!
I have been on a crusade to get more Christian stuff out there....I think there is a huge market for it.
I would love some Christian wrapping paper..... hint hint!
What a wonderful blessing!
Preacher's wife linked me. Praise God for the blessing! Great stuff!
Rhonda from Texas
Oh, how gorgeous! You are one talented lady, and I am super impressed. Can't wait to see these in person at my local store. ;)
I love giveaways! :) Throw my name in the pot, please. I don't have a Hallmark store in my town but will look for your stuff when I get the chance :)
Wow, congratulations on your success! I will definitely be going to Hallmark to check them out!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Your designs are beautiful! My Hallmark is just around the corner and up the street. I plan to go there specifically to look for your creations. Congratulations.
Congratulations! I am excited to find them in the store and actually put my hands on them. Please count me in!
Hi there! The Preacher's Wife sent me over...so glad she did! I put one of your buttons on each of my sidebars. How fun your stuff is. :)
I'll do a post too, but I didn't want to distract from my Gratituesday post today, so I'll get one up later linking over here.
I'm adding the Hallmark Store to my list of errands to be run today! :) I so hope my store has your stuff before Christmas! Our family exchanges both regular gifts, and stocking gifts, and I see so many fun things for my sisters. :)
Those are so stinking cute! I will go check it out and if my store does not have them I will proceed to throw a fit :)
I was in Hallmark yesterday and commented to a friend how much I loved your stuff. Funny how at the time I didn't know it was you or your stuff! It is all so wonderful.
I LOVE Hallmark, it really is one of my favorite stores!! :0) I remember as a teen, just popping in to look around and take in the pretty sights and smells.
The next time I go back, I will definatly check out your stuff. :0)
These are so sweet! I love the colors. If I throw a fit at the store, do you have any rugs that you have made, so that at least I can have something pretty to look at while I'm down there on the floor? BTW, food would be good too because screaming hysterically and kickin' my feet works up an appetite.
I'm heading to the Hallmark store on Friday -- yep, Black Friday and I will be there begging for Simply Inspired items. Love the girlfriends items, they're the perfect compliment to my book, Girlfriends, God and Grace. I can't wait to see them live and in person.
I wrote a blog post and linked to your post and added your button.
I found your blog through The Preaches Wife. Congrats! Your work is beautiful!
Be blessed in Jesus name- Tinika
Love these Products! I was sent to you by Lisa (The Preachers Wife) and would love to be entered in the giveaway! I will be going to Hallmark this weekend! Also I will post this on myspace blog! Thanks for your creativity and your willingness to make others happy too! God Bless You!
Hi, Jane. I found you via Mary Snyder. You have beautiful things. I've added your button and a note so please put me in your drawing. My blog is http://jumpin-in.blogspot.com
Glad to know about you and your work. Happy Thanksgiving, Jill
i just found you through a friend...and i have to say that i LOVE YOUR STUFFF!!!!! (so much i felt i needed an extra F in stuff!)
i look forward to supporting you!
Cute Stuff!! I found you via Lisa @ The Preachers Wife! I can't wait to check out the Hallmark Store soon!
How exciting for you!
Ok, I added a button and blogged about it! :)
To answer some of the questions ...
Yes, Canadian Hallmarks can carry the gifts, too.
Hallmark "Gold Crown" stores are the "stand-alone" Hallmarks stores. They may say "Suzie's Hallmark" or "Coach House Gifts", but not a Walgreens. :-)
THANKS BUNCHES EVERYONE!! (Still 6 more days to enter!)
I love your stuff. Congrats.
i hope they carry it in Canada too!
Beautiful stuff!!! I will pass the word on...
What wonderful items you have made with your heart! I will surely stop by my Hallmark next time I am in our town and check it out. I will be adding your button to my blog to spread the word. Congrats on your dream! Lovely blog you have! Cherry
I thought I commented earlier! I came over from lisapw and God is Able (Patty) AND MarySnyder.com!!!
Your designs are gorgeous! I realize I don't know you, but HOW EXCITING!!!!! I'm excited for you and I look forward to doing some shopping.
Going to Hallmark tomorrow. Congrats.
Oh, that is lovely. Congratulations!! I definately will check them out on Friday - assuming they are in our Hallmark store already.
Lalycairn (at) gmail.com
This is great. Congrats. It is so nice to see inspirational stuff in a main stream store. I will check it out.
I posted your button on my side bar.
These items are so sweet. I rarely shop so I had no clue about
this new line.
I came over via Preacher's wife. I pinky swear that I will hunt you down in Hallmark!
hi! i was at my local hallmark store last night and saw your stuff. it is all beautiful! how exciting. the colors, fabrics, design, logo -- all lovely!!! warmest congrats to you! living the dream!
Congratulations! What a beautiful new line - I love it! Going to Hallmark today ....
Truly amazing gift items. Thanks for the chance to win.
mcginnis135 at bellsouth dot net
All this stuff is beautiful. I also...want it all. I will tell everyone i know about it and go to my local Hallmark and take a look!!!
Great gift ideas!! Thanks for your wonderful things!
Absolutely beautiful stuff. I got your blog from Mary R Snyder's Joy Filled Living Blog.
Wow, your stuff is WAY too cute! I'm definitely going to go check out our Hallmark in the mall!
Love your stuff, I just found you through Tip Junkie. Congratulations on Halmark, that is wonderful for all of us to see how far our home crafting can take us! I put both buttons on my blog and I am crossing my fingers!
These are beautiful creations. I would love to give one of these to each of my 3 daughters. I will plan to go to my local Hallmark this weekend. Thanks!
I can't "pinkie promise" today, but I can promise that I will be looking for your awesome stuff...And will be buying some as well! Congrats on making the "big time"!
Hi! I found you on Tip Junkie! I bet you feel on top of the world right now, Congratulations! Your items are beautiful. I have to drive about 45 miles to a Hallmark, but I will make a point to look for your line next time I am in the vicinity of one!
Found you through etsy - love your stuff. Just gorgeous. Looking forward to finding it on store shelves :)
Here is my pinky swaer! I LOVE your things - and the colors are to die for!
I came, I saw, I BLOGGED!
Cute baby things!
How cool, love Hallmark!
definitely pinky swearing that I'll head to Hallmark!! :D
Yeah, a great giveaway! I added both your buttons on my blog and will blog about the giveaway too! Thanks so much, you're sweet! Suzie
Hi again! I just blogged about your giveaway, and I'll head to Hallmark on Black Friday while out shopping too! Suzie
congratulations on your line!
I'd love to be entered in the giveaway. Thanks!
cokelush at gmail
Congratulations! The items are beautiful, I would love to be included in the giveaway!
What unique and beautiful art! Count me in on this giveaway!
*Pinky Swear* ;o}
Congrats to you!
Definitely count me in! TY
I love Hallmark -- and I especially love your designs and the fact that the greatest message on earth will be displayed for so many to see, purchase and enjoy. I will definitely be blogging about this on Black Friday.
What a wonderful giveaway! Congrats on your new line!
These are such great products. Will definitely check them out at Hallmark!
Gosh you stuff is just gorgeous!
I will be looking for it in the hallmark store soon!
I blogged and posted your button on my blog.
thanks for the chance to win!!
I can't wait to see this stuff!
I added your button!
I added your second button too!
Awesome! Congrats! I can't wait to see your stuff at Hallmark!
I just found your blog from jumpin-ins blog. I will definietly go to Hallmark soon.
Just found your site through Nearbear...
I shop at Hallmark all the time. Wow I'm corresponding with a celebrity!
Going straight back to my humble little blog and posting about your site, and adding a button!
Glad to be of help in spreading the word - and love having a chance in the giveaway!
Your products are beautiful! I just found your link through my mom's blog (neas nuttiness). She really does shop at Hallmark ALL the time, so she will be a great resource to spread the word. =)
found your blog thru the Preacher's Wife (Lisa)....love your products!
I went to Hallmark in Austin, Texas and saw your things! Some of the hallmark's are independently owned so I'm sure it's hard to find. Your things are amazing!
I would totally pinky swear, but in truth I'm homebound and I just can't lie. But I pinky swear that all my friends shop at Hallmark and I'll tell them about it :)
I was at my favorite Hallmark store today and didn't even see anything like this. What a great new product idea.
I love your blog! I always check it out. I saw it in CWO. I admire your unique creations! I am sorry to say that we don't have a Hallmark store here. Just Hallmark cards I guess. I'll just put one of your buttons in my page. Please email me if I win at moffatt03(at)yahoo(dot)com and I'll give you a US address where you could ship the gifts. Thank you so much! GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY! P.U.S.H.
I just found your blog through Tip Junkie! I love your new line you are coming out with! I promise to race to my local Hallmark and see if they have it out already!! Jess10284@gmail.com
I also just added your button to my site!! Jess10284@gmail.com
I am new to your blog...found you while clicking through tipnut looking for Christmas crafty stuff. Enter me please. Here's wishing you great success with this enterprise!
New to your blog. Great stuff, I will be sure to spread the word.
I pinky swear:)
Your stuff is so dang cutE!!
What an awesome thing this is like a dream job! I will definately be heading to Hallmark very soon! I am also going to post about this on my blog.
Hallmark is lucky to have you on their team! Congrats!
I've enjoyed your blog, and just found your link to here. I'm so glad I clicked onto hear. I will be looking for your line from now on. I just love your site.
Nice to visit your blog. I pinky swear I will GO BACK to my Hallmark store to see your product line!
Everything is beautiful! I will definitely visit my Hallmark store. I'm in the mall almost every day. BTW, I've got both your buttons on my blog.
What a beautiful gift you have received. You show that faith in all you do has its rewards. Your story is truly Inspiring.
I have posted your Bloggy button on my Bloggedy Blog Blog.
So glad to find your blog! I love Hallmark products and I'll be on the lookout for your this Christmas season..all your objects are so lovely! There are a couple of big Hallmarks in Lower Manhattan that i love to shop in.
Congrats! I've posted both buttons :o)
go check out my new craft blog! littlecraftylane.blogspot.com :)I would love it if you would follow it to :)
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