Thank you to everyone for visiting and leaving such sweet comments all year!! I really strive to bring you fresh and unique ideas, so it means a lot to me when you take the time to stop by and give me your feedback! :-) To celebrate and show my appreciation I want to give away some great prizes!! Yeah!! Thunderous applause! Let's get to it!!
Prize #1: Metal Wall Ichthus:

DaySpring is a fabulous company - I love to work with them! They have VERY generously offered to give a discount on the Icthus to all my readers!!! You can purchase it for only $99 (regular $129) AND they have free shipping!! Let me tell you - this baby is the real deal - it's very heavy so that's a wonderful offer!! You must use discount code JWBLOG at the checkout, good through 3/1/09. ALSO, you don't have to wait until the end of the giveaway, because if you're the blessed winner and you've already purchased this item with my code, that money will be refunded! Thank you DaySpring!!
Prize #2: Gifts from my Simply Inspiring Hallmark collection:

Prize #3: Art Print from my Etsy store:

Prizes #4 & #5: A copy of my book Inspirational Home:

You can enter a bunch of ways:
1. For one entry, simply comment below and share one reason why everyone on the planet needs to read my blog. :-)
2. For TWO additional entries, blog about this post and link to it. You can then come back and leave another comment telling me you did so. If you don't have a blog, you can email a plug for me to your entire address book, or at least a bunch of people, and cc me on it (see upper right for my email).
3. Grab either my Inspiring Ideas or Simply Inspiring button over on the right and post it on your blog for another entry. Post both for TWO extra entries and don't forget to come back and let me know!
Contest is open until midnight MT, Feb. 27th. Winners must have a US address I can ship to. Leave your email or a way to contact you if you win! I'll announce winners shortly thereafter.
1 – 200 of 438 Newer› Newest»I love your blog. You are such a creative person. And my name is Jeanne, too! Happy blogoversary!
Wow! What a wonderful celebration full of great things! Your blog offers so many creative things to try. Thanks!
Great blog - I will be back time and again. I found you on my frineds blog - Wash, Fold and Repeat. I have a fun quiz on my post today - it shows how we express our love to our familys.
Hmmmm. Obviously everyone in the world needs to read your blog because of this stinking great giveaway! I am loving LOVING the metal wall ichthus, although I can't pronounce it.
i just started reading your blog and i love it...especially all the christmas decoration ideas- i'll have to do them next year. happy blogiversary!
Everyone should read your blog because it is full of great ideas that are also uplifting! Beautiful blog!
Hi there,
I love your blog and I think everyone on the planet should read it because its fabulous!!!
happy anniversary by the way :)
I did the blog post, the links, both buttons, the whole shebang! This stuff is amazing!
Wow--this is some giveaway! Your blog is inspiring (hmm-original since that is the name!). I love what you do and that you have made it BIG with your ideas and products!
I love your blog...You have such great ideas...I love the little vase with the picture in they have those at our Hallmark?
What an amazing, creative person you are.
What a great giveaway! I love the Hallmark stuff!! I think everyone in the whole wide world should read your blog because it's just about as fabulous as they get and it would bring lots of joy and happiness to whoever might happen upon it which would result if mass amounts of world peace. Oh my....I feel like such a beauty queen. I added a button on my blog and a link to your post at
Everyone should read your blog because it is SOOOOO inspiring! And I"m all over inspiration!! :)
Fantastic giveaway!!!
I am grabbing BOTH buttons, so I can show you off, and oh, btw they look fabulous and inspirational on my blog background!!! Cool!
i love the fish!!
everyone needs to read your blog because you give fresh inspiration with easy instructions that everyone can follow.
(i went to school in siloam springs and love dayspring! :))
To be "Inspired of course", why else, your blog is so inspirational i just love it. Amanda
I love your blog too. I just recently found it. Your blog is beautiful and so creative.
Wow, why wouldn't someone read it. I love so many of your ideas! I can't think TCB for showing me your site!
I'd love to be entered! And I do have a US addy you can ship to if I happen to be a lucky winner. Thanks so much. I'm really crossing my fingers on this one!!!
I love all the creative items you do with a Christian theme. I love for people to know when they enter my home that I am a Christian, so PICK ME! Thanks, and if you don't pick me I will cry.
Everyone should read your blog because.. you share your Faith in Christ in your artwork. It's beautiful. And you are a beautiful soul,
I posted your giveaway on my site! I'm so excited. I hope you get traffic from my site.
I also posted a button for Inspiring Ideas on my site.
Oh Ps.. I linked to your site and the giveaway post too. Forgot to say that!
Keep the Faith,
I really do love your blog and I am happy that I "found" it recently. You have so many different inspiring ideas....thanks.
Happy Anniversary, I would love to be part of your giveaway. I am thinking people read your blog for inspiration and ideas.
What a wonderful giveaway you are hosting! I enjoy reading your fabulous ideas and look forward to more inspiring ideas.
Hey! Everyone should read your blog, because you have great ideas, and you always come up with something fresh and new! Love it! and I don't even know you! lol
Shelley Smith
Here is my link to this, on my blog!
OOhh! Jeanne! That gorgeous metal wall ichthus is amazing! Yes...I would love to have it in my home to welcome others! I would also let my friends know that my bloggy friend, Jeanne,is a very talented lady! Which you are! I still want to get a copy of "I am the vine" at some point. That's the scripture that our Women's Ministry felt that God wanted us to use. Your button is on my blog! I'll run by Hallmark soon and check out your darling things!
Congrats on your blogging anniversay!
Everyone should read your blog because you have cool ideas and great prizes!
I just found your blog..Woohoo! I am so excited to explore. I love everything you're giving away..and even if I don't win I plan on tracking down your book to buy!!
I blogged about it!! :)
Woo Hoo, I love giveaways.
&& I now have your button on my blog. Can you TELL I reallllly want to win!
Congrats! I am so excited about this awesome giveaway! ONE of the reasons people should be checking out your blog is to be inspired! I am trying to incorporate more christian decor in my home! I want to let everyone who enters to know I love the Lord! I look forward to more posts! I hope I win!
I'm new to your blog and love it.
Happy Blogoversary!
Thanks for the chance to win.
I love to be inspired and your blog does that every time I visit. Thanks for sharing the gift God has given you. God bless,
I am inspired by successful women. That's why I will read this blog!
What fantastic giveaways! :) I love that your blog shows believers in such a positive light!
Everyone should read your blog because you give us so many wonderful ideas! Happy blogoversary!
love your blog. everyone should read it to be inspired to wake up their creativity and spirituality!
great giveaway! How fabulous- I hope that I win!
wow, there's alot of folks, well one reason why everyone on the planet needs to read your blog is because, this is going to sound corny, but is because you know who Jesus Christ is and they need to know Him too, and what better way than through the arts and gifts He's given you. If I win you're going to have to pray that I have a 'HOUSE' to go along with that big ole fish. Take care.
People need to read your blog because you have great ideas and are so creative.
Oh and I already have your button on my blog, do i get credit?
Okay it says two, I only have one, no extra credit.Thanks.
Okay last one, I posted a blog about you on my blog. Take care.
cute ideas.linda gerig
I love your blog and everyone should read it to get awesome ideas and inspiration. Congrats on the 1st Anniversary.
I posted both your buttons on my blog.
Congrats on your one year anniversary!! Thanks for the kind words... we're big fans of you too :)
Everyone on the planet should read your blog because God has given you this talent and you use it wisely. Besides, I am your mom and I say so.
Wow! What an exciting giveaway! You are such a generous spirit! I hope to win any one of your awesome prizes, but if not at least I have my prints around the house to inspire me :)
I have both your buttons! :)
I just blogged about your giveaway!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Your designs are simply beautiful! I love the clean, pure beauty. It's hard to find nice Christian home decor. Everyone on the planet should be reading your blog because you have such lovely ideas and inspiration. I'll blog about the giveaway and add your button tomorrow. I absolutely love LOVE love the items in your giveaway.
Happy Blogaversary! You sure now how to celebrate with all those yummy 'treats'. I just blogged about you a couple days ago, but I'll probably do it again for this giveaway. I'll come back and post another comment when I do and add your button!
I'm sorta new here but I've found lots of beautiful and crafty ideas...everybody can use those! Thanks for the giveaway!
Frankly, you had me at "I am the vine..." -- one of my favorite verses. :-)
Lovely and inspiring site, as always!
What great prizes. Everyone needs to read your blog to get inspiration and great tips. I love to see how talented you are and blessed in that area!
Congrats on your 1 yr Blogoversary!
Thanks for the great tutes and for all the inspiration. I love the door bulletin board somuch Imade one too!
You have super ideas and a fantastic way to share your creativity with others! Thank you!!
Wonderful blog and so many beautiful pictures that I featured it today on my blog.
Your blog is a great example of how to tastefully incorporate one's faith into decor and creating a faithful home. Thanks for the inspiration!
i LOVE the icthus wall hanging! I already have the perfect space for it in our home :)
People should read your blog because you are a great witness to the Lord. He has given you such a gift, and you are sharing it with the world!!!
Wow! I am new to your blog, I just found it recently and I love it! You are awesome! I am a Christian, and would LOVE LOVE LOVE any of your things! I can't wait to go to halmark and see your things! I try to not go there very often because I ALWAYS end up spending too much money! Too fun! Thanks :)
I love reading your blog, and I would love to win any of your beautiful creations . . . the Metal Wall Ichthus is incredible! Everyone should read your blog because it is a great place to come and get inspiring ideas to warm the heart and home throughout all seasons. I just love how you incorporate faith into your designs, and I love reading your blog!! Happy blogoversary!
What a great giveaway!!
everyone in the world should read your blog because we need more pretty things to look at!!
Everyone needs to read this blog because it is so inspiring!
Happy blogoversary! Everyone should read your blog for inspiration! :-)
Do we have a choice in prizes if we win? If so I am interested in any except #1.
Have Mercy! This is quite the party you are throwing! I love your items and have drooled over them many times. I subscribe to your feed so that I can get all the latest from you.
Blessings, Jennifer
I think everyone should read your blog because it is an awesome blog for a talented woman.
As I was looking at all the blog candy, I thought, Wow the ideas for all of this came from one woman.
Happy 1st year and hope you have many more.
debbie p
I have told friends about your blog b/c I have found many "inspiring" ideas. So far I have copied only one ( the words on the wall, which I tweeked for my kitchen), but I have big plans to do more, as the budget allows. Keep the great ideas coming.
Found you on "Today's Creative Blog" and I will certainly be beck - your site is eye candy for this dieting Grammie:-)
Hi, I just recently found your blog and look forward to spending more time here. I would have to say that more people need to come here for inspiration. Both spiritual and creative. Happy anniversary and thank you for entering me in your generous giveaway.
Congrats on a year of blogging! I found your website on my sister's blog. It so exciting to see women making a living from the their talents and the things that they enjoy. You are an inspiration to women and that's why people should read your blog. I have dedicated a post to you and I've added your buttons to my blog. Keep up the great creative work!
I love your blog. Your ideas and art inspire me. I always feel like doing somthing new when I read your blog. And for that, Thank You.- Vickie
I absolutely love your blog and think the creative and inspiring ideas to love your space and the people around you should be used by EVERYONE!
I love your blog. It's so light and pretty!! Fabulous source of inspiration.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Well, duh, everyone should read your blog because you have some of the most *fantabulous* creations on the planet! There, that's my first entry.
I'm a relatively new reader, but - you had me at the inspiration bulletin board out of the door from the dump!!
Congrats on your bloggy anniversary!
Okay, for two more entries I blogged about this on my blog!!
Now, I have BOTH your buttons up for my last two entries.
Pick me, pick me, pick me!!!!!
I added your button.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Thanks for the great giveaway!! Congratulations on 1 whole year!! You have some wonderful ideas! You are so creative!
There are a lot of craft/decorating blogs, but I haven't found a lot that reflect back to the greatest Creator. Thanks for your blog and for this fun giveaway!
carrielucekc AT gmail DOT com
I love your blog and everyone on the planet should because you are not only do you inspire great crafts but a great way to live life!
Happy 1 year!!
Why should people read your blog? If only to simply see what lovely gifts you've created.
Why should people read your blog? If only to simply see what lovely gifts you've created.
What great stuff...I would love to win any of it.
Everyone should read your blog so that they can get some great ideas for decorating! I hope to win one of the giveaways!
Everyone should read your blogg because as a young female I love the insparation I get when I see people like yourself do what they really love doing. And a BOOK too!!! I love it and would love to win your giveaway. I love how the items each have their own story..
I Hope I Win!
I've posted on my blogg about your great blogg and giveaway!!!
Happy 1st Blogoversary! I love your blog! I always come away inspired and refreshed! I have posted on my blog about your contest and your wonderful blog and I grabbed both of your buttons! Have a blessed celebration!
Sandy (KnitNPurlGirlatgmaildotcom
Cute blog love the ideas and inspiration!
OH. My. Word. I Love that fish!! (I can never remember the "I" name of it. and don't feel like going back and checking *wink*)
If I don't win it...and I'd LOVE to...I just may have to ask for it for Christmas. Or my birthday. or the first day of Spring. People get presents for those that day too, right?
What an exciting giveaway! Youre so creative. Thank you. charylshorteratyahoodotcom.
Wow! You are being overly generous for your giveaway. Yes, count me in! I am always anxiously awaiting your next post. The artwork is beautiful! Hope I win something, I admire everything you do.
Hi Jeanne, I don't know if you remember me but my Mom is Ruth Freeberg. I love your blog and I think so many others would too. Very creative and I like your style. You inspire me. I don't have a blog but I will put it on my facebook. Congratulations on your success. btw, your Mom sent me an email about this and I also have her on facebook. Debbie Ross
Hi Jeanne, I don't know if you remember me but my Mom is Ruth Freeberg. Your Mom sent me an email about your blog plus she's on my facebook. I really like your blog. You're very creative and you inspire me. I think a lot of gals would enjoy your blog. I don't have a blog but will link to my facebook. Congratulations on your success. Debbie Ross
Wow, I love your blog! Happy blogiversary Of course everyone in the world should read your blog for all the awesome "Inspiring Ideas"!!
Thanks for a fantastic giveaway!
Wanted to let you know I posted about your fantastic giveaway on my blog too! Thanks again!
I LOVE your blog! It's refreshing to see another christian who has inspiring ideas coupled with her faith.
I would LOVE to win any of these prizes! All are gorgeous!
Congrats on your one year! Thanks for all the ideas and creative links. Love your blog! meloniew a t g m a i l d o t c o m
I just posted a link on my blog about your giveaway! ;-)
I have had your Inspiring Ideas button on my blog for a while. I just added the Simply Inspiring button to it. Thanks for having such a wonderful giveaway! I hope win, I LOVE your stuff!!! ;-)
I am new at this!! Love the metal wall ichthus Love your blog!! I am already a fan!!
What a great anniversary giveaway! Thanks so much; love your blog.
I've posted about your blog and giveaway. Thanks.
I've added your button to my sidebar (well, actually it was there already, but I hope that counts).
Blessings and congratulations on your first bloggy anniversary!
Well, I read your blog bc it is positive, uplifting and FULL of creative inspiring ideas! So everyone else should too. My teen daughter would just DIE (ya know a teen?) to have that fish in her room. Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway post. And happy celebrating!
I would love to win because I just found you and your blog is so uplifting. I am going to Hallmark to check your stuff out today!
I love your blog and everyone else should too because it is inspirational! I already had your blog buttons on my main blog, but now I have also added one to my craft blog as well. This is a wonderful give away you have. I have yet to see your things in our local Hallmark shops. Does the California shops not carry your wonderful things?
Congratulations on your one year!
I think I put commment for blog contest on wrong blog ? So here I am again Love your blog and plan to visit Hallmark shop soon to see your neat items.
I am a first time contest blogger?Hope I am not doing this wrong? I put both of your buttons on my blog took a minute but glory I did it.
If I understand that makes me 3 entrys? I have had my eye on the Day Spring sculpture since it came out.Thank you for this opportunity.This is all new to me.God bless you and yours.
Everyone should read your blog because of the sheer creativity you are so kind to share with others. Fingers crossed!
I will be honest, this is the first time I have been on your site and I will tell you it won't be the last!!! It is so much fun that I was looking at it for at least 15 min. Thanks for the fun!!!
I just put your wonderful buttons on my blog! Thanks
I love your blog and can't wait to win something...I am so inspired every time I stop by to read your ideas! thanks for sharing your work!
I love your blog and can't wait to win something...I am so inspired every time I stop by to read your ideas! thanks for sharing your work!
Your blog is so pretty with lots of sweet ideas! :-)))
Amy in CA
I came across your blog through chance. You are a very talented lady and I admire your creativity. I wish you many more years of blogging. Thanks for sharing your talent.
I am just getting ready to redo my living and that metal Icthus would look amazing on one of my walls. thanks for all the great ideas. You are so creative.
I've featured "Inspiring Ideas" as the blog of the week over at my blog, "Create Studio." I promise this wasn't to get points for your giveaways (although I certainly wouldn't mind if it helps me at all!) It's really because I'm a big fan of your blog and I want to share the love!
-Sarah from Create Studio
Everyone should read your blog because it is fabulously uplifting, you are extremely creative, and your artwork is inspirational!!
Thank you so much for such a wonderfully generous giveaway!!
Happy blogoversary!!
Shared this exciting contest on my blog!! =)
Thanks again!!
Also added both of your buttons to my blog...
wow - a whole year of amazing posts for me to go through! how exciting. i too just found you and i am so glad you were featured on today's creative blog! i need to find your stuff at a hallmark (hopefully online since i'm thousands of miles away from one... if not, i'll have to wait until august).
people need to read your Blog for your creative ideas! (and you make a great Vanna!)
people need to read your Blog for your creative ideas! (and you make a great Vanna!)
Happy (blog) anniversary! Thanks for a chance to win such lovely gifts! I will blog about your giveaway and come back to let you know, and I already have your button on my site! Suzie
Your blog is simply inspiring ... that is what keeps me coming back!!
Hi, me again! I just blogged about your giveaway! Suzie
Love this blog! So glad I found it! Beautiful stuff.. hope I win.
AND I blogged about how awesome your giveaway is...
AND I added a fabulous button to my page.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I just found your blog and can't wait to explore!
Thank you for hosting this amazing giveaway!
I just stumbled onto your blog yesterday and have been reading through past entries. I can't tell you what a blessing it is to see inspiring Christian art that is fabulously modern and chic. So I really wanted to thank you!
I blogged about your site here:
(It's private so I sent you an invite) I also posted two buttons and linked to the contest!
Everyone needs to visit your blog because you are a super sweet, talented, Christian woman - sounds like a good reason to me! :)
contact me at:
Everyone needs to visit because you are just so great! And, um, this is totally an awesome, maybe I really don't want too many people to visit...I want to win!
This is such an awesome giveaway!! And Happy 1 year!!
Everyone needs to visit because you are just such an amazing person, so talented and sweet.
Recently stumbled upon your blog and am so glad I did! Great giveaway....hope my name is drawn!
Hi there! I just found you from someone else's blog and love all the neat stuff on here and ideas!
I also posted about this giveaway on my blog and added the inspiring ideas button to my page.
Everyone should subscribe to your blog because you have creative ideas that anyone could do! Including me:)
Your blog is so fun to read, and I'm fascinated to be reading about one of the designers for Dayspring. You go girl! I'm happy to hear about the success you've had already and I'm sure more is to come.
What a great giveaway! I love the ichthus! Your blog is great because of the creativity!
Just did a post, check it out here
Beautiful give-a-ways!
Everyone should read your blog because you have beautiful ideas with easy to follow instructions.
They are crafty but not cutesy.
I posted your button weeks ago!
i'm brand new here
but sure i will be back many times...
everything looks gorgeous!!
Oh my word!!! Where have you been all my life. I just now found you from Todays Creative Blog. You are amazing. I look forward to reading you all of the time and sending others to you.
WOW! I am glad I happened upon your blog, people need to read it so that everyone's homes can look a little cuter! Hope I win, I sure could use some things for the new home I'm having built!!!
Happy Anniversary! I just found you five minutes ago and am excited to put you on my favorites list. I don't have a blog, but my email is if I happen to win!? Thanks.
Thanks, great prizes! I think you are very creative. Love reading your blog
I just found your blog. You have great simple ideas that everyone should see. I especially like the "You are loved" sparkle for your daughter's door.
Tracey I.
I just found your blog and I am so in love with it! and you're having a giveaway! How perfect! Please enter me on your giveaway!
Okay I just added both of your buttons on my page...please toss my name in the hat two more times for this simply stunning giveaway!
Miss Jeanne you are awesome! I just posted a blog about your giveaway so please add me in two more times for this great giveaway!
Would LOVE to win any of the items...anyone should visit your blog because quite simply - it is FABULOUS! What lovely ideas, what beautiful inspiration!
First, Happy Blogoversary to you!
Second, everyone needs to read your blog because you are truly gifted. I am so thankful to Kimba for posting a link to your blog as I will now be adding you to my favorites. I love your creativity!
P.S. I grabbed both your buttons and posted it on my blog (left hand side) and I also did a post about your contest. I am praying that I win.
I grabbed your Simply Inspiring button and added to my side bar under my Shining Lights!
I just heard about your blog and also what your doing from Kimba @ "A Soft Place to Land". Like I wrote on Kimba's blog I think it's gorgeous to see women inspiring women to be all God created them to be.
We are to encourage each other in this journey of life, thank you for doing that.
God bless you in all you do for Him.
Wow! This is a huge giveaway! How sweet of you.
Please add my name as I would be thrilled with any of the items you listed.
We should read your blog because it is super creative and lots of fun to read!!! Thanks for the giveaway
I just posted about your blog giveaway on my blog. I have a link to all the giveaways I find on my side bar and that is where I listed you. That is where everyone I know goes to look for the giveaways I know about.
Oh I really want to win. I just added the first button of yours on my blog. I'm off to the 2nd one. I'll let you know when I have it finished.
OK 2nd button added.
How fun! What a great giveaway! I will be checking out the Hallmark line tomorrow!!!
People need to read your blog because it's so stinkin' fabulous. I just found you/your blog today, and I just love your projects/ideas/stuff!
Just added both the Inspiring Ideas and the Simply Inspiring buttons to my blog. Happy Anniversary!
I just found a link from Kimba, and had to come check it out (since my 1 year is right around the corner). I'm already hooked! I'm the opposite of crafty and creative (except for in my head, can never seem to get anything out of it) so unless I totally immerse myself in pretty, shiny, and creative stuff like your blog, I get stuck. Everyone needs a really cool inspiration like you, so everyone on the planet needs to read your blog! I like it already.
Yay for fabulous giveaways! Everyone on the planet needs to read your blog because IT'S FABULOUS! And so are you!
And I guess you could say that I blogged about your giveaway. :-)
Such amazing stuff! I would love to win the fish!!! :)
Your artwork is lovely.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Happy bloggy anniversary!
Wow! Great giveaway!
It's beautiful stuff...would love to win. I am so inspired by all of the talented women I meet IRL and meet through the blog world...and you are no exception.
WOW! thanks for the great giveaway!
I found your blog through Kimba's. What a great way to start off my Monday by heading on over to you. I love that you offer such great ways for us Mama's to create a home with items that speak of our Lord. A home can be beautiful but if it doesn't feel safe, warm, and comfortable the beauty is often unseen. I will be linking my readers to your blog for sure(hopefully I can figure out how to put a link into a post...he he!!!) Thanks:)
Wow everyone should look at your blog, you really do inspire. I can only hope and dream to be even 1/4 as talented as you, but I love to see someone who is.
Beautiful giveaways!! I don't have a blog but yours and these beautiful gifts from your line might inspire me to do so!! Amy
I put both of your cute little buttons on my blog:)
Wow. Your blog is beautiful. The creativity is fresh and inspiring.
Happy Blogoversary!
Thought I would blog about your fabulous blog....need all the help I can get.
Count me in!
Everyone needs to visit your blog because it is warm, inviting and colorful. :o)
How generous of you and how beautiful your items are. Please count me in for the give away! Barbara in AR
YOur blog has so many fun ideas for us moms and for our kids too. Thanks for the inspiration.
I came over from Kimba's blog and love the look of your blog. I can't wait to peruse it further and tell my bloggy friends about it!!!
Everyone should read because it's a great blog with beautiful ideas!
What beautiful things! I followed a trail from Pioneer Woamn to get to you. I'll post a link On my blog and get back to you.
Super COOL! I happened upon your blog today, from a link on another blog and WOW I am really jazzed about your INSPIRED creativity!!!
I will be checking your blog on a regular basis!
What a neat way to use the gifts you've been given!
Thanks for sharing!
Traci Taylor in Arizona
Visiting your sight isn't just for inspiring ideas . . . it's for His inspiration as well. Thank you and continued success! T. Ammons
Hi, Jeanne, I came over from Kimba's & it's nice to meet you. This is my first time by your blog. Congrats on 1 year! I just hit my 2nd. And what a joy it must be to have your items featured in Hallmark & to have a new book.
I'd love to win a copy, so count me in! Your blog is beautiful. Stop by & see me sometime.
Your blog is so cute and so is everything you design! I've visited before but this is my first comment. :) You are in inspiration!
I just stumbled onto your blog. It's beautiful!
this is my first time on your blog... I came through Kimba's site. your work it beautiful! I love it. I also love how the center of your work is Christ and bringing glory to God! I'm bookmarking you on my favorites =)
Everyone needs a breath of fresh air!
Oh! your blog is so creative, fun and inspiring! I love it!
Beautiful and Inspirational! Truly! Just looking over your blog has sparked my creativity this morning! I found you through Kimba and so happy that I did!
Happy Blogoversary!
Ooops! Forgot to mention I'm grabbing a button too!
Okay-you're linked! I love your Valentine's ideas. I'm putting them in my Holdays binder for next year.
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